Level-5 Game Highlights
Level-5 has developed 3 of what I consider to be the best games of the PS2 era; Dark Cloud, Dark Chronicle, and Rogue Galaxy.
So I set out to create a render for each game of what could’ve ben part of promotional material at the time, using cell-shading techniques with a bold and toonish feel.
For Dark Cloud, one of the most memorable moments was the introduction to Ruby, the genie who her former master feared because of her troublesome attitude.
There're loads of over-the-top characters in Dark Chronicles but the one that trumps them all is King Mardan. This enormous fish is in fact a callback to the Mardan Garayan; a unique type of fish which you can catch in Dark Cloud.
Rogue Galaxy takes you through a space adventure that feels a lot like the 2002 animated movie “Treasure Planet”. Then when you meet famous idol MIO and her fan club members and remember this game was made by a Japanese developer. Truly hilarious.